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Real Info Box

Product Design
Backend Development
Frontend Development
Quality Assurance
real info box hero image

Real Info Box – a unique Canadian startup for creating analytical reports for real estate agents.

We joined forces with the people from Real Info Box and created a new version of the platform with a new design according to the graphic materials we prepared.

reacl info box web visualisation

About Real Info Box

Real Info Box was founded over ten years ago in response to one real estate agent's need to create a simple and clear real estate report that they could share with their clients.

real info box mobile mockup
real info box article mobile mockup


The Real Info Box team came to us with a request for a new design and a complete rewrite of the web interface along with UX/UI improvements.

real info box login
real info box table overview
real info box map overview


Our engineers decided on the Nuxt framework and the creation of custom Express APIs using the Serverless Framework on AWS services, where the entire system is managed.

real info box screens from multiple devices

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Richard Pecha, CEO
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Richard Pecha, CEO